Sunday, October 7, 2018

An introduction to the Chinese characters in the game

Aloha! Here is an introduction to all the Chinese characters you may find in the graphics of The Butterfly’s Dream. In the graphics, traditional Chinese characters are used for consistency. We hope this introduction can help you better understand the culture behind this game. All screenshots listed below are work in progress.

On the Main House building:
Great virtue bears all things.

This phrase comes from Yijing or Book of Changes.

On the Study building:
The Fragrance of Books

On the Music Gallery building:
The Collection of Music

In the Main House:
A world amid a speck of dust
A life inside a big long dream

The egert forgets itself while watching faraway clouds stretching and curling.
The mountain won’t get old no matter how the flowers in the yard fall or bloom.

On the Yard gate:
The Yard of Firewood and Deer

The name of the yard is inspired by a story in the third chapter of Liezi. There was a man from the country Zheng. He saw an injured deer while cutting wood. He killed the deer and hided it with some firewood. After a while, he forgot where the deer was hidden so he took what happened as just a dream. In his way home, he talked over his dream and was heard by another man. The other man found the deer and took it away.

What a night! What a night!
The fair maid comes in sight.
What a man! What a man,
Enjoy your mate as you can?[1]

This poem is from the Classic of Poetry, the oldest collection of Chinese poetry.

Oh, such a beautiful girl! Her beautiful eyes!
Her beautiful voice! And her dancing is so bright.

This poem is from Guanxiu. He was an artist/Buddhist monk in ninth century and was famous for his Buddhist paintings.

Wish I can find a single-hearted soulmate,
And I will not leave till the end of my life.

This poem is from Zhuo Wenjun’s Baitou Yin (Song of White Hairs). She was a poet of the Western Han dynasty. In this poem she depicted a determined lady who was breaking up with her husband because he fell in love with another girl.

Where is he, like a flowing cloud?
He forgets to go home, and is not aware that spring is almost over.

This poem is from Feng Yansi. He was a poet and politician in 10th century. The poem illustrated how lonely a wife feels while thinking of her faraway husband.

If I knew my thought of you would be like this so tangled,
Might as well we had never acquainted.[2]

This poem is from Li Bai’s Qiufeng Ci. Li Bai was one of the most famous poets in Chinese history. The poem’s name is The Wind of Autumn.

On the Village South stone:
The Village of Ever Happiness

Often lament the whereabouts of spring when she retires.
No idea she could have wound up at this site.[3]

This poem is from Bai Juyi, a famous poet of Tang Dynasty. The poem expresses his surprise and delight when finding springtime hidden in a mountain.
